Thursday, March 5, 2020

How can you plan to achieve your current Goal - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How can you plan to achieve your current Goal - Introvert Whisperer How can you plan to achieve your current Goal? My favourite quote is Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail. A quote that always keeps me on my toes and helps me plan better in life. When it comes to meeting a Goal I like to think of my end goal as a Destination and the path to attain the Goal as a journey. However, goal setting and goal achievement are different things. A majority of people drop their goals in the middle because they have no clear plan or it is too much of an inconvenience to reach a goal. Are Your Goals Worth Your Dedication?       As per an article published on inc, 92% of people fail to achieve their goals. (source) Worse Businesses fail when they do not plan. As per a recent survey, inadequate planning is the first reason for  business failures in Australia. Well! Thats a ridiculously high failure rate. Do you know the reason behind the failure? To start with, most of the goals are set emotionally and not rationally. To give you an example you see your colleague from office buy a luxurious car and you driven by emotions, set a goal to obtain a better car. Now, thats one unrealistic Goal with no clear road map. Secondly, the goals we set are without a clear plan. We the mortals set goals without realising the hard work it requires to reach a goal. Whatever your Goal is (small or big), you must be clear about the possible outcomes and consequences. A long journey cant be covered without a proper plan. Are you struggling with meeting your Goal? I have spent years failing to meet my goals until I decided to take things in my hand and follow the simple steps to reaching my Goal. Here are some simple-to-follow steps to planning and achieving your Goals:     Write Down Your Goals:   Does it sound like a no-brainer? Its not! The logic behind writing is to tame our fickle mind that changes its goalposts based on situations. Once you have it written in front of your eyes you can be focussed and not change the Goal at your convenience. Just note down the reasons (that inspired you to make these goals), and the outcomes (that you are expecting to get) -It will inspire you to keep going with your work. You might as well stick this note in front of your work desk. It wont let you forget about your goals. 8% of people  amalgamate their long-term and short-term goals to reach the Destination. And 14% of the population has plans, but they dont write it. Only 3% of people note down their goals. Just by writing your Goal, you are putting yourself in a small percentage of the population that has taken the first step to meet their goals. I will take a real-life example to help you carefully follow the steps. Lets say I want to buy a home of 1.1 Million USD in 5 years. Thats my Goal. I will write it here again I want to buy a home of 1.1 Million USD in 5 years. Analyse the Challenges:   Time to move a step forward. Write all the challenges you might face while achieving the Goal and how you plan to tackle them. Its evident that you will face a lot of problems along your way. Believe me- the more problems youd face, the more mature youd become. Indeed, you cant figure out all the challenges in advance. Let me demonstrate the above with an example. Lets assume it is a realistic goal, and my salary can cover the EMIs after I gather 200K USD as a down payment. The challenges I might face are: Not being able to save enough every month to meet the down payment goal. I have been indiscipline in the past with the small savings goal. I will have to stick to clear, small saving goals to meet the ultimate Goal. Some of my money is invested in the stock market, and though I am expecting a decent return on it to contribute to my down payment goal, the market might fluctuate, and I might not get the returns as expected. I need to plan for any medical expense that is not covered by my insurance as any medical emergency can put a big dent in my pocket and will not help me reach my Goal. Now, set up a road map or plan based on the challenges you might face back-up plans accordingly. Time to set the Strategy:   You have completed all the groundwork. Now, its time to make a step-by-step strategy to execute your plans. For example: In my case, the Strategy revolves around saving enough, keeping a tight leash on my monthly expenses, and moving forward with discipline. By executing these small steps, you get nearer to accomplishing the right steps to reach the Goal: Find out the stepping stones for your purposes. Divide more significant tasks into small manageable actions. Make a routine and allocate different tasks to different times of a day. Write down your strategies with their desired outcomes. Start executing the task and work consistently. Mark the tasks that have been completed. Follow the steps, and you will enjoy your journey. For instance, if you want to be a successful blogger, you can divide the tasks into something like below: Choosing a niche Analysing your competitors sites Designing your site Finding out topics, keywords, and all Content writing and content marketing and so on Track Your Progress:   Measure your performance time-to-time to check your progress. Make a daily routine for assessment. In my case, I would check for the money I have saved and how I have saved every month to track my progress. If you are improving, you are on the right track. Otherwise, its time to re-assess your strategies and modify it. If you feel one strategy is no longer serving your purpose, change it immediately. Sticking to it and waiting for success will waste your time and delay your progress. Starting a journey is always exciting. However, the challenge is to keep going with the same enthusiasm. You need to bear the ups and downs throughout the journey, which might come at a cost (emotional and financial). There is a good chance that you will run out of motivation, especially when things are not going as per your expectations. What do you do in the face of adversity? Find the exact problem and seek a long term solution. Short term fixes never help. Watch inspiring videos or read biographies of successful -people to keep you motivated. Whenever you get stuck somewhere, recall the results that will be waiting for you after these struggles.  Learn to Accept Failures as failures help you learn and succeed better. Always remember Rome wasnt built in a day. Have patience and follow a routine. You are closer to your Destination than you anticipated. The majority of people are not persistent and give us before they reach their Goal. Dont make this mistake. Keep on working until you fulfill your dreams. Wrapping Up   If youre determined about your goals, you have crossed the first step. However, determination only works when it is complemented with persistence and perseverance. Author Bio

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